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2023 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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How To Become An Irreplaceable Google Ads Manager

22 Nov 2023
Seminar Theatre 6

Gone are the days when to become a great Google Ads Manager all you needed to do was push buttons and produce a month-end report. 

Google Ads managers who make themselves irreplaceable and who are truly able to move the needle are also the ones who understand:

  • what role Google Ads play in the marketing ecosystem; 

  • the capabilities and the limitations of the platform; 

  • what the customer journey looks like; 

  • the psychology behind how people buy;

  • whether it would be profitable to run ads for a specific product or service; 

  • how to use conversion tracking to show the impact of advertising; 

  • how to navigate the new era of Analytics with GA4

Any YouTube video can tell you what buttons to push, but understanding and using correctly all of the above is
what is required to succeed, yet no one teaches you. 

Join this seminar to get the learning started.

Silvia Coletto, Marketing Speaker, Founder - The Paid Ads School
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