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2023 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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Strategic vision, daily demands, imposter syndrome, change & success

23 Nov 2023
Seminar Theatre 5

When we start out in business, we all know it’s going to be hard work, we know we’ll need to
make sacrifices and that we will experience numerous challenges… but knowing about something and
knowing how to do something about it, are two very different things. 

If your experience has gone something like this, then this is the seminar for you… 

It all starts with your clear vision and a solid plan – you know exactly where you want to go.
Energy levels are sky high and you’re raring to go!

Then the daily demands of running a business quickly gain momentum and consume your time. 

So, you diarise time to work on executing your strategy, but don’t achieve what you wanted in that time and before you know it,
you’re back focused on being in the business. 

You acknowledge your progress has been somewhat derailed and you’re left feeling flat –
because its not through lack of trying, and you only have so many hours in the day!

So, you dust yourself off and refocus, you start to achieve some success, but it's not quite at the level you had hoped for.
Doubts and thoughts of incompetence creep in, making you question your abilities.

Do you give up now and go back to your safe space? Do you do the same thing again –
dust yourself off and try the same approach, perhaps with some slight changes? 

It is at this point you can make a focused change and break the cycle that grinds down so many business professionals and business owners.

Join us at our seminar where we'll:

  • Guide you through breaking free from the cycle of frustration and stagnation.

  • Share practical tools and strategies to navigate daily demands, challenge imposter syndrome, and embrace change with confidence. 

  • Discover how to utilise support and resources to accelerate your growth journey. 

  • Understand how to recognise true success so you don’t repeat the cycle on our next phase of growth.

Take control of your business today, challenge old patterns, and unlock your true potential.
Don't settle for “it’s going okay” when you can have “I’ve learned so much, I can see the results, and I feel in control –
my vision is achievable and its within touching distance”.

Sian Smith, Business Coach & Consultant - BAS Consultancy
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