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2023 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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How to thrive in business in the post-normal world.

22 Nov 2023
Seminar Theatre 6

Building the ship as you sail – How to thrive in business in the post-normal world. Nobody need tell you that we’re living in a rapidly changing world. What we considered as “normal,” pre-pandemic, maynever be seen again.

The challenges presented by destabilised professional and social landscapes mean leaders can no longer rely on old
patterns but must be confident in their ability to flex and adapt their leadership to encompass improved soft skills, and to
harness emotional intelligence like never before.
In this presentation, you’ll learn:

  • The key elements of adaptive leadership
  • The importance of speaking the same language as your people
  • How to understand yourself in order to lead the change in your organisation
This could be the most powerful 30 minutes of your day – Don’t miss it!
Julia Ngapo, BUSINESS AND EXECUTIVE COACH - Julia Ngapo Business Coaching
View all 2023 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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