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2024 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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Human Factors in Emergency Response and First Aid

14 Nov 2024
Seminar Theatre 5

Delve into the crucial role of human factors in emergency response and first aid with our seminar, "The Role of Human Factors in Emergency Response and First Aid: Enhancing Outcomes through Training and Planning. This comprehensive session explores key components essential for effective emergency management.

We will explore the critical aspects of situational awareness and decision-making under pressure, emphasising the ability to swiftly recognise and respond to changing conditions with limited information. Clear and concise communication strategies within teams and with casualties will be highlighted enhancing coordination during crises.

Team dynamics will be a focal point, addressing the importance of role clarity and strong leadership in optimising group performance during emergencies. The seminar underscores the value of realistic training simulations that simulate real-life scenarios, ensuring responders are well-prepared and capable of applying the latest techniques and technologies under pressure.

Psychological resilience and post-incident support strategies will also be discussed, providing you with tools to manage stress and support well-being after critical incidents. Additionally, the need to choose the equipment for your working environment and who this can enhance responder efficiency and safety for both the responders and casualty.

By integrating these insights into practices, you will enhance their organisation's emergency response capabilities, ultimately improving outcomes for both responders and casualties in challenging situations.

Kirk O’Sullivan DIPHERR CBCI, Managing Director - Ascent Resilience
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