Patience Davies Consulting & 13 Times
- | Business Transformation
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- | Digital Transformation
- | Leadership Consultancy
- | Professional Coaching
- | Training and Coaching
Storytelling and LEGO® Serious Play® training and consultancy.
LEGO® Serious Play® workshops are a perfect combination of team building and problem solving. Define your problem, map out future strategy or identify improvements to ways of working - all while playing with a pile of bricks!
Improve you and your team's presentation and communication skills via our Storytelling for Business course - 97% of attendees have rated it as Exceptionally or Very Helpful.
We also offer facilitation skills training, webinars, 121 coaching services and much more!
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Spark your imagination and come up with your best ideas - while playing with LEGO
Our six module storytelling and presentation skills course is rated as very or exceptionally helpful by 97% of attendees
One hour virtual classes on key areas for storytelling, presentation skills and public speaking
Delivering a workshop, leading a design thinking session or training your facilitators - we have the knowledge and materials to do it all