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Odudu ‘ Emmillio’ Inyang

Odudu ‘ Emmillio’ Inyang

Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author, Emmillio Professional Coaching

Odudu ‘Emmillio’ Inyang is a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author of Why Aren’t You Successful?… Yet. Emmillio is on a mission to help the world see success as subjective and align their personal/professional lifestyles to make it happen.

Emmillio has worked with organisations and businesses, including Go Henry, And Digital, Dare 2 B, The Music Publishers’ Association, and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (Youth Service, Youth Council, Children In Care Council, and Young Carer's Group) 

Emmillio boasts 15+ years of experience in mentorship, whilst experiencing a varied story to discover his purpose. From working with Ashley ‘Asher D’ Walters and Alicai Harley, writing and directing two films screened in the East End Film Festival, to Fundraising £25K on behalf of many leading UK Charities. His journey has included pit stops in Business Ownership, E-Commerce, Music, Events Management, Influencer Marketing, IT, Market Research and Digital Marketing