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2024 Retrain Expo Seminar Programme

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  1. Seminar Theatre 5

    "Powering up your career with Degree Apprenticeships." Explore the dynamic fusion of academic excellence and real-world experience in our tailored Programmes. As the Head of Apprenticeships at York St John University, my hands-on experience ensures practical insights for your career acceleration within the UK landscape. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your skills and prospects.

  2. Seminar Theatre 5
    Ever launched a business and faced failure?
    Stuck in your venture without a clear path forward? Working tirelessly with no end in sight? I understand – I've
    been there. But everything changed when I uncovered three key drivers. These transformative strategies not only
    turned my business around but also revolutionized my life. Join me as I share these life-altering insights!
  3. Seminar Theatre 5

    Feel like something is missing? Feel stuck or in need of a transition? Join Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author of Why Arent’ You Successful?... Yet;  Odudu 'Emmillio' Inyang, as he shares his journey of asking himself and discovering the answers to the same question his book is named after, whilst giving key insight as to how you can discover and unlock the barriers to your unique definition of success.

  4. Seminar Theatre 6

    Picture yourself stepping out on faith, even when the staircase up is obscured. Join Vanessa, a qualified confidence coach, multi-award-winning international speaker, and No.1 bestselling co-author, as she leads "Step Into Your Power: Own Your Confidence To Enhance Your Earning Potential!". Vanessa will illuminate key topics including understanding confidence, factors shaping it, and practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and building confidence that lasts and leads to enhanced earning potential. Don't miss this empowering session!


  5. Seminar Theatre 5

    Better understanding of the human brain opens up new ways to understand and engage with the VUCA world, its challenges, and the people around us. Our ability to learn, change and adapt is influenced by what we know or believe about our brain. Shared Accessible brain concepts make better communication, change, decision making, leadership and resilience possible, at every level of your organisation.

  6. Seminar Theatre 5

    Strengthening your intuitive clarity and capacity not only boosts your wellbeing but also bolsters your confidence in achieving goals by strengthening your innate knowing and foresight of future scenarios. This empowerment extends to your teams and company, amplifying their potential for success beyond conventional boundaries through the nurturing of an environment characterized by openness, creativity, adaptability and visionary innovation. Join this Seminar to learn more about Accessing Intuition for now and future solutions for success. 

  7. Seminar Theatre 5
    This presentation explores the vital concept of trans inclusion, emphasising the need for compassion and empathy towards the trans and gender-diverse community. By recognizing the intersectionality of race, class, and health disparities, we unveil the challenges faced by this community. Through statistical evidence and actionable strategies like advocating for inclusive policies, promoting education, and amplifying trans voices, we can foster a more supportive and inclusive society.
  8. Seminar Theatre 6

    Join this session to become aware of the beliefs that are holding you back from realising your true potential in your career. Leave this session with renewed confidence and steps to create success in your career.

  9. Seminar Theatre 6

    Join a ground-breaking seminar on Understanding the World of Working Parents. Explore how unconscious biases impact parental support within teams, which is often overlooked amidst discussions on race, gender, and sexual orientation biases. Unravel the hidden challenges faced by working parents and learn strategies for fostering inclusivity.  Together, we can bridge the gap between parents being ‘okay’ and needing mental health support, shaping a healthier future for our future generations.

  10. Seminar Theatre 5

    When the people in your business say they’re not always clear on the bigger picture, what is expected of them, or how what they do day to day counts, can you afford to let those comments pass by?

    This engaging session is ideal for businesses and their leaders who want to inspire their people towards a vision, with a plan that allows everyone to bring their unique skills and performance.

  11. Seminar Theatre 5

    Always feeling different, then bringing up a daughter with difference, and how making the small changes can make the biggest impact by using support in inclusivity and mindfulness.

  12. Seminar Theatre 6

    In today's fast-paced world, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently is a critical skill for any professional. "Mastering Agility: Strategies for Professional Success in the Digital Age" delves into how individuals and organisations can harness lean-agile principles to boost their careers and help businesses grow multi-fold. 

  13. Seminar Theatre 6

    Unlock your leadership potential with comprehensive training on emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, effective communication, and team building. Learn to lead with empathy, manage stress, and foster a high-performance culture to enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

  14. Seminar Theatre 5

    Organisational change management and employee engagement often suffers less that desired results.  Organisational models are designed to be used ON people.  But where is the model that includes people? As individuals, we have not been taught how to manage personal change.  We’re suffering from survey fatigue and need an inclusive way to manage change in real time.  Learn about the Scared So What programme where we make organisational change, inclusive.

  15. Seminar Theatre 5
    Help your leaders and employees to move beyond striving, surviving, overwhelm and burnout and learn how to flourish and thrive. Using a holistic, systems-thinking approach, the talk will provide expert insights to help you understand what creates robust mental and emotional health and enhanced wellbeing and performance for individuals and organisations. You’ll gain fresh perspectives, feel empowered and inspired and learn practical, realistic solutions to enable and create transformative change.
  16. Seminar Theatre 6
    Human beings are natural storytellers – but that doesn’t mean we’re all good storytellers. Often people with very technical skillsets find it hard to explain what they do to non-technical colleagues, clients and customers. Even the word “storytelling” can feel intimidating. But storytelling is for everyone – and anyone can learn it. Find out how we’ve taught it successfully and learn some easy-to-use techniques to become a better storyteller yourself.
  17. Seminar Theatre 5
    This seminar delves into the untapped potential of ADHD individuals and how they can leverage their superpowers to excel in the business world. Attendees will learn about the distinctive characteristics and strengths of ADHD, along with practical techniques for creating an environment that nurtures these abilities. By embracing the interdependence mindset, attendees will discover how to unlock their full potential and achieve success in their work lives.
  18. Seminar Theatre 5

    At KoThinker, I collaborate with hundreds of product managers across Europe, witnessing common challenges in building modern product and tech organizations. This talk addresses the five most frequent struggles, such as development prioritization and managing stakeholder expectations, and provides real examples of how product leaders have overcome these issues. It’s designed for executives and anyone involved in product development within the company.

  19. Seminar Theatre 6
    Demystify business rates! This informative session will teach business owners about their rights and obligations regarding business rates. We’ll cover how rates are calculated, steps to appeal if your valuation seems incorrect, and tell you what reliefs are available and how to apply for them. Essential knowledge for anyone who has to pay business rates!
  20. Seminar Theatre 6
    With 84% of working mothers experiencing difficulty returning to work and 1 in 10 actually leaving employment, flexible working policies alone are not enough to attract and retain talented women.  Join Cara and Bushra, Co-Founders of Prospera Coaching & Consulting Ltd and working mothers, as they discuss the highs and lows of their professional journeys, how personal development can elevate your business’s performance and profits, and why good business is personal.
  21. Keynote Theatre 4

    Explore strategies for making career development accessible to all employees in an organization by democratizing career coaching. Learn how to implement inclusive coaching programs, leverage technology, and foster a culture of growth. Ideal for HR professionals and leaders committed to empowering their workforce and driving organizational success.

  22. Keynote Theatre 4

    Socrates said an unexamined life is not worth living, well Innerscope founder James Aidoo says unexamined leadership is not worth following. This seminar will provide each delegate with 3 profound and practical insights that will help you review and refine your leadership approach so that you can lead with insight and impact.

  23. Keynote Theatre 4

    Regardless of your organisation’s size or industry, common challenges persist. Whether you’re part of an established corporation or launching a startup, understanding these shared L&D hurdles is crucial. Reflect on your approach, validate it through data, and elevate your role to guarantee you a seat at the table. Trust your instincts, seek validation, and own your expertise when navigating the L&D landscape.

  24. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) should be a fundamental part of your business strategy from the start. Research consistently shows us that comprehensive DEI programs significantly impact organizational health and sustainability. Yet, DEI is often seen as a secondary nice-to-have. This discussion reinforces the business case for embedding DEI initiatives from the onset, and provides actionable steps to cultivate an inclusive culture from day one.

  25. Seminar Theatre 5
    Explore the critical role of human factors in emergency response and first aid. this session will explore
    how cognitive load, communication, team dynamics, training, psychological factors, and ergonomics
    influence outcomes in workplace incidents. Discover the importance of incorporating these human
    elements into training and planning to enhance performance, safety, and casualty outcomes and
    provides practical strategies and best practices to prepare your team for effective crisis management.
  26. Keynote Theatre 4

    The seminar highlights the role of role models in fostering resilience and a strong mindset for business success. Participants will explore how observing successful individuals can inspire them to overcome challenges. By studying role models' characteristics and strategies, attendees will gain insights into building resilience and embracing growth. Through interactive discussions, exercises, and practical examples, participants will learn to harness the power of role models to strengthen their mindset, problem-solving skills, and adaptability in the ever-changing business world. This seminar aims to equip entrepreneurs with the tools and strategies necessary for long-term success and resilience.

  27. Seminar Theatre 6
    Ready to double your sales revenue profitably? Unlock the true potential of your business with strategies that
    guarantee growth and scalability. In this presentation, you'll discover the powerful techniques & practical tools our
    clients are using to double their business revenues profitably in less than 1 year. Discover how to overcome common hurdles and seize new opportunities to elevate your business. Join us to turn your business dreams into tangible results.
  28. Keynote Theatre 4

    Join Gian Power, Founder & CEO of TLC Lions, to explore the powerful world of storytelling. Learn how to harness storytelling to humanise your brand, connect with colleagues, clients, and investors, and propel your business. Gian, who has supported over 300 multinationals, will share his journey from PwC to founding TLC Lions, offering practical guidance, resources, and advice. Engage in a live Q&A and transform your personal and professional life through storytelling.

  29. Keynote Theatre 4

    Future Proofing your Leadership in the age of AI and innovation.

  30. Keynote Theatre 4
    What are the key jobs of tomorrow? Delve into Hays’ most recent research on the workforce of the fut ...
  31. Seminar Theatre 6

    When you think about ‘bad’ or ‘toxic’ leadership, you think about a specific person, or an individual who impacted your work, life and maybe even career… right? Well this seminar comes from an alternative perspective on what that ‘issue’ is really about! In her experience it is the relationships between leaders and the dynamics between leadership team members that really makes a business and even ‘you’ more likely to be successful!

  32. Seminar Theatre 6

    Discover the transformative power of aligning your self-identity with your goals and intentions in this seminar, "Aligning Identity and Success: The Conscious Growth Blueprint for Life and Business." Learn how to overcome inner challenges to achieve true fulfilment. Explore the principles of conscious living, where Thoughts, Emotions, Beliefs, Intentions, Values and Actions harmonize for overall success. Embrace the synergy of human emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence for a balanced, contented life.

  33. Seminar Theatre 6

    The Money Mindset Seminar empowers you to set your financial blueprint for success.   If your blueprint is NOT set for success, no matter what you know or what you do, you will always default to your current blueprint.  Discover how to unlock your financial potential by understanding your relationship with money, based on past experiences and programming, mastering a powerful money mindset, and learning the secrets to wealth.  This transformative experience will equip you with the tools and insights needed to achieve lasting financial abundance and confidence, setting you on a clear path to prosperity and financial success and ultimately financial freedom.

  34. Seminar Theatre 6

    Dawn Hurst is a distinguished international CEO who has led numerous worldwide brands to financial and brand success across 5 continents. As the original author of the award-winning financial return on Inclusion Methodology, she outlines how organisations can leverage a robust inclusion focused strategy which will transform company cultures whilst having large financial impact on their bottom lines. Join Dawn in understanding how you can leverage an inclusion focused strategy for measurable business success.

  35. Seminar Theatre 6

    Struggling to stay calm under pressure? Feeling overwhelmed by stress and mental fatigue? 


    In this powerful seminar, we dive into applied neuroscience to help you harness your brain’s true potential. Learn how to break free from stress, sharpen your focus, and improve decision-making even in the toughest situations. You’ll discover how to rewire your brain for effortless high performance, turning pressure into power and leading with clarity, confidence, and resilience.

  36. Seminar Theatre 6
    Demystify business rates! This informative session will teach business owners about their rights and obligations regarding business rates. We’ll cover how rates are calculated, steps to appeal if your valuation seems incorrect, and tell you what reliefs are available and how to apply for them. Essential knowledge for anyone who has to pay business rates!